
A computer algorithm is a set of steps or processes used to accomplish a task that is described precisely enough that a computer can run it.

Algorithmic bias

Algorithmic bias refers to the phenomenon of the output of a machine learning algorithm reflecting the biases of the data used to train it, or the person / people who trained it.

Amara's law

Named after technologist Roy Amara – “Society tends to overestimate the impact of a technology in the short run yet underestimates its impact in the long run.”


Application Programming Interface, which allows different software applications to communicate and exchange data, enabling integration and automation of tasks across platforms.

Approval project

A project or task that requires approval before it can be completed or implemented, enabling control and oversight over important decisions.

Approval workflow

A process in which a document or project must be reviewed and approved by multiple individuals before it is finalized, ensuring quality and compliance.

Approver (in an approval workflow)

The individual responsible for reviewing and approving a document or project, ensuring that it meets the required standards and guidelines before it can be released or implemented.

Artificial General Intelligence / General AI / AGI

The goal of building machines that can demonstrate general purpose intelligent behaviour at a level higher than human intelligence.

Artificial intelligence

The theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence.

Artificial neural network / ANN

An artificial neural network is an attempt to simulate the network of neurons that make up a human brain so that the computer will be able to learn things and make decisions in a humanlike manner. ANNs are created by programming regular computers to behave as though they are interconnected brain cells.


A digital file that is used in marketing or branding efforts, such as a logo, product image, or video, that represents a brand or business.

Asset library

A centralized location for storing and managing digital assets such as images, videos, and documents, enabling easy access and sharing of files among team members.


Applying technology to routinise, control, and monitor the production of products and / or services.


Applying technology to routinise, control, and monitor the production of products and / or services.



A tendency, inclination, or prejudice toward - or against – something or someone. (See ‘Pitfalls of AI’).

Brand Asset Management

The practice of managing a brand's visual and messaging elements to ensure consistency and efficiency, enabling easy access and sharing of assets among team members.

Brand assets

Visual and textual elements that represent a brand, including logos, colors, and typography, that are used to create a consistent and recognizable brand identity.

Brand association

The connection between a brand and its perceived attributes or values in the minds of consumers, influencing their attitudes and behavior towards the brand.

Brand awareness

The extent to which consumers recognize and are familiar with a particular brand, increasing the likelihood of consideration and purchase.

Brand consistency

The practice of maintaining a uniform brand image across all channels and touchpoints, building trust and loyalty with customers.

Brand equity

The value that a brand adds to a product or service, beyond the functional benefits of the product or service itself, influencing the willingness of customers to pay more for the brand.

Brand experience

The sum of all interactions a consumer has with a brand, including advertising, packaging, and customer service, shaping their perception of the brand.

Brand guide

A document that outlines the guidelines and standards for a brand's visual and messaging elements, ensuring consistency and coherence across all channels.

Brand guidelines

Standards and guidelines that govern the use of a brand's visual and messaging elements, ensuring consistency and coherence across all channels.

Brand identity

The visual and textual elements that make up a brand, including logos, colors, and typography, defining its unique personality and values.

Brand image

The perception or impression that consumers have of a brand, based on its visual and messaging elements, influencing their attitudes and behavior towards the brand.

Brand inspiration

Ideas, themes, or concepts that inspire the development of a brand's visual and messaging elements, providing direction and focus for brand development.

Brand interaction

Any engagement that a consumer has with a brand, including advertising, social media, and customer service, shaping their perception and loyalty towards the brand.

Brand library

A centralized location for storing and managing a brand's visual and messaging elements, ensuring easy access and consistency across all channels.

Brand management

The process of planning, tracking, and controlling expenses related to marketing or branding efforts, ensuring effective use of resources.

Brand management software

Software that helps brands manage and maintain their visual and messaging elements, as well as monitor brand consistency across all channels.

Brand marketing

The process of promoting a brand through advertising and other marketing efforts, influencing consumer perception and loyalty towards the brand.

Brand recall

The ability of consumers to remember and recognize a particular brand, based on its visual and messaging elements, increasing the likelihood of consideration and purchase.

Brand recognition

The ability of consumers to identify a particular brand based on its visual and messaging elements, increasing the likelihood of consideration and purchase.

Brand storytelling

The use of narrative to communicate a brand's values, mission, and vision, creating an emotional connection with consumers.

Brand style guide

A document that outlines the guidelines and standards for a brand's visual and messaging elements, including typography, color, and tone, ensuring consistency and coherence across all channels.

Branded templates

Pre-designed templates that incorporate a brand's visual and messaging elements for use in marketing or branding efforts, ensuring consistency and coherence across all channels.

Branding design

The process of developing a brand's visual and messaging elements, including logos, typography, and color schemes, defining its unique personality and values.

Branding strategy

The long-term plan for developing and promoting a brand's visual and messaging elements, defining its unique position in the market and target audience

Broad AI

Artificial Intelligence with the capability to do more than one task and execute a variety of different tasks across different fields. Broad AI is different to General AI, as it only works with related tasks.

Budget management

The process of planning, tracking, and controlling expenses related to marketing or branding efforts, ensuring effective use of resources.



A system of distributed servers located in multiple geographic locations around the world. The purpose of a CDN is to deliver content, such as web pages, images, videos, and other files, to end-users more quickly and efficiently by caching the content on servers closer to the users' geographic location.


An automated system of communication with users. Usually presented as an assistant, run by a computer program, that communicates through text, a virtual companion integrated into software or websites, or an instant messenger style app.


Classification is the process of finding or discovering a model (function) which helps in separating the data into multiple categorical classes. In classification, the group membership of the problem is identified, which means the data is categorised under different labels according to some parameters and then the labels are predicted for the data.

Cloud DAM

Digital Asset Management software that is hosted on the cloud, allowing for remote access and collaboration, enabling easy sharing and management of digital assets among team members.


An unsupervised learning approach of machine learning whereby data is grouped together into groups with similar properties or features.

Co-op process automation

The automation of cooperative marketing processes, enabling more efficient and effective management of marketing programs and campaigns.

Co-op project

A marketing project or campaign that involves cooperation between different organizations, enabling more efficient and effective marketing efforts.

Co-op workflow

A process for managing cooperative marketing efforts, ensuring efficient and effective cooperation between different organizations.


The process by which sensory input is transformed reduced, elaborated, stored, recovered and used.

Collaboration tools

Software or platforms that facilitate collaboration and communication among team members, enabling efficient and effective teamwork.

Company culture

The shared values, behaviours, and everyday attitudes within an organisation, influencing how employees work toward, relate to, and engage with the company's mission.

Company hierachy

The organizational structure of a company, including the roles and responsibilities of employees, enabling effective management and decision-making.


All the things other than algorithms and models needed to make commercial-grade Al work. These include data, redesigned workflows, training, regulation, human judgement, infrastructure and more.

Complexity barrier

Early Al systems demonstrating components of intelligence gave hope that progress would quickly be made on bigger problems. But this hope was not realised. A class of problems emerged for which finding a solution and verifying that solution required an impossibly large amount of time. The complexity barrier therefore refers to the imaginary barrier separating simple systems from complex systems.


A general definition of a customer-facing back-office tool to configure the actual product or service (e.g. add extra language in templates)

Content at scale

The ability to produce large amounts of high-quality content in a cost-effective and efficient manner, ensuring the availability of relevant and engaging content to target audiences.

Content collaboration

The process of collaborating with others to create, review, and approve content, ensuring high-quality and consistent content that meets the needs of target audiences.

Content distribution

The process of sharing and promoting content across various channels and platforms, enabling effective reach and engagement with target audiences.

Content management

The process of organizing, creating, publishing, and maintaining digital content, ensuring relevant and engaging content that meets the needs of target audiences.

Content management software (CMS)

Software that enables the creation, organization, and publication of digital content, enabling efficient and effective content management.

Content operations

The processes and tools that enable the creation, management, and distribution of digital content, ensuring the availability of relevant and engaging content to target audiences.

Convolutional neural network / CNN

When designing the connections between layers, units are not connected to all the input units because not all inputs are dependent. Instead, units are connected to only a small local subset of the inputs. This decreases the number of connections and therefore the number of parameters to be learned.

Corporate design

The visual and textual elements that define the personality and values of a company, including logos, color schemes, and typography.

Corporate identity

The perception or impression that stakeholders have of a company, based on its visual and messaging elements, influencing their attitudes and behavior towards the company.

Corporate identity (CI)

The visual and textual elements that define the personality and values of a company, including logos, color schemes, and typography, used to create a consistent and recognizable brand image.

Creative assets

Digital files that are used in creative projects, such as images, videos, and illustrations.

Creative automation

The use of software and tools to automate creative tasks, enabling more efficient and effective creative production.

Creative content

Digital content that is designed to be engaging and visually appealing, such as graphics, videos, and animations.

Creative management platform

Software platforms that enable the management and organization of creative assets and projects, enabling efficient and effective creative production.

Creative project management

The process of managing creative projects, ensuring high-quality and timely delivery of creative assets.


The visual and textual elements that are used in marketing or branding efforts, including graphics, videos, and illustrations, that represent a brand or business.


The process of trimming or adjusting the size and composition of an image or photograph, enabling a better fit for specific uses or purposes.

Customer acquisition

The process of attracting and acquiring new customers, enabling business growth and profitability.

Customer acquisition cost

The cost associated with acquiring new customers, including marketing and advertising expenses.

Customer engagement marketing

The process of creating and delivering relevant and engaging content to customers, enabling deeper customer relationships and loyalty.

Customer experience

The sum of all interactions that a customer has with a company, including advertising, customer service, and product experience, influencing their attitudes and behavior towards the company.

Customer experience management

The process of managing and improving the customer experience, ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Customer journey

The path that a customer takes from initial awareness to purchase and beyond, enabling a better understanding of customer needs and behavior.

Customer personas

Representations of target customers, based on demographics, behavior, and preferences, enabling more targeted and effective marketing efforts.

Customer retention

The process of retaining existing customers, enabling business growth and profitability through repeat purchases and loyalty.


DAM implementation

The process of setting up and configuring a Digital Asset Management (DAM) system to meet the needs of a business or organization.

DAM storage

The storage and organization of digital assets within a Digital Asset Management (DAM) system, ensuring easy access and retrieval of assets.


Known or assumed facts that form the basis of reasoning and calculation, generally in support of reaching a decision.


A decision is the selection of a course of action (or decision) out of many available alternatives.

Deep learning / DL

Methods that are used to train models with several levels of abstraction from the raw input to the output. For example, in visual recognition, the lowest level is an image composed of pixels. In layers as we go up, a deep learner combines them to form strokes and edges of different orientations, which can then be combined to detect longer lines, arcs, circles, and so on. The units of each layer may be thought of as a set of primitives at a different level of abstraction.

Deep neural networks

Neural networks where each hidden layer combines the values in its preceding layer and learns more complicated functions of the input. The fact that the hidden unit values are not 0 or 1 but continuous allows a finer and graded representation of similar inputs. Successive layers correspond to more abstract representations until the final layer where the outputs are learned in terms of these most abstract concepts.

Design system

A collection of design elements, patterns, and guidelines that enable the creation of consistent and cohesive designs for a brand or organization.

Digital asset management (DAM)

The practice of organizing, storing, and retrieving digital assets, such as images, videos, and documents, in a centralized system for easy access and sharing.

Digital asset management API

A software interface that allows for the integration of Digital Asset Management (DAM) software with other applications or systems, enabling automation and efficiency.

Digital asset management services

Services that provide expertise and support for Digital Asset Management (DAM) system implementation and maintenance.

Digital asset management vendors

Companies that provide Digital Asset Management (DAM) software and related services, enabling businesses to efficiently manage and share digital assets.

Digital asset management workflows

The processes and procedures that enable the creation, management, and distribution of digital assets within a Digital Asset Management (DAM) system.

Digital ecosystem

The collection of interconnected digital devices, services, and applications that enable a seamless user experience and data sharing across platforms.

Digital experience

The sum of all interactions that a user has with digital devices, services, and applications, including website navigation, mobile apps, and customer service, influencing their attitudes and behavior towards the brand or organization.

Digital media library software

Software that enables the management and organization of digital media assets, such as images, videos, and audio files, ensuring easy access and sharing.

Digital rights management

The practice of managing and protecting digital content, such as images, videos, and documents, through encryption and access control.

Digital signage

Digital displays used for advertising or informational purposes, such as in-store promotions or digital billboards.

Digital transformation

The process of using digital technologies to transform business processes, models, and customer experiences, enabling innovation and growth.

Digital transformation strategy

The long-term plan for using digital technologies to transform business processes, models, and customer experiences, enabling innovation and growth.

Display ads

Online ads that appear on websites or social media platforms, typically in the form of banners or videos, enabling targeted advertising to specific audiences.

Disruptive innovation

A change to the market that is so powerful and different that it requires others in the field to follow suit or be left behind.

Distributed marketing

The process of managing and executing marketing campaigns across distributed teams, ensuring consistency and efficiency.

Distributed marketing software

Software that enables the management and execution of marketing campaigns across distributed teams, ensuring consistency and efficiency.

Document management

The process of organizing, storing, and retrieving digital documents in a centralized system, ensuring easy access and sharing.

Document management software

Software that enables the management and organization of digital documents, ensuring easy access and sharing.

Document management system

A centralized system for managing digital documents, ensuring easy access and retrieval of documents.


A cloud-based file storage and sharing service that enables easy access and sharing of digital files across devices and platforms.

Dynamic ads

Online ads that are customized based on user behavior and preferences, enabling personalized and relevant advertising to specific audiences.

Dynamic creative optimization (DCO)

The practice of using software algorithms to optimize and personalize online advertising content, based on user behavior and preferences.

Dynamic product ads

Online ads that are customized based on user behavior and preferences, promoting specific products or services to specific audiences.


Email template

A pre-designed layout and format for email messages, enabling consistency and efficiency in email communications.

Emotional intelligence (EQ)

The processes involved in the recognition, use, understanding, and management of one's own and other's emotional states to solve emotion-laden problems and to regulate behaviour.

Employer branding

The process of creating a positive brand image and reputation as an employer, attracting and retaining top talent.

Employer value proposition (EVP)

Employee Value Proposition, a company's promise to its employees in exchange for their skills and expertise.

Enterprise content management

The process of managing and organizing digital content across an organization, including documents, images, and videos, ensuring easy access and sharing.


The sum of the differences between the actual outputs the network estimates for an input and their required values specified by the supervisor in the training set; and in neural network training, for each training example, we update the connection weights slightly, in such a way as to decrease the error for that instance.

Event item (re: work item)

A work item related to an event, such as event planning, logistics, or marketing, enabling effective event management and execution.

Expert system

A computer system that uses human expert knowledge and emulates the human decision-making ability to solve complex problems by making use of a series of ‘if-then’ rules.


False negative

A form of statistical error where the algorithm predicts that the input does not fit in a particular category, but in reality, it does.

False positive

A form of statistical error where the algorithm predicts that the input fits in a particular category, but in reality, it does not.

Feature extraction

This technique is used in machine learning and refers to the process of organising a data set of raw variables into manageable sections (or features) used for processing or modelling. Even though the data is organised, it still accurately reflects the original data set

File management software

Software that enables the organization, storage, and management of digital files, such as documents, images, and videos, ensuring easy access and retrieval of files.

File management system

A centralized system for managing digital files, enabling efficient and effective file organization and retrieval.


A projection into the future of expected demand, given a stated set of environmental conditions.



General Data Protection Regulation, a regulation in the European Union (EU) that protects the privacy and personal data of individuals, including the right to access, rectify, and erase personal data.

General-purpose technology / GPT

General-purpose technology, or GPTs, are those technologies that impact economic growth, and transform both household life and the ways in which firms conduct business. (See ‘Generative pre-trained transformers / GPT’).

Generative adversarial networks (GAN) / Generative AI

Generative adversarial networks are a type of machine learning technique that is able to produce and generate new content from scratch.

Generative pre-trained transformers / GPT

Generative pre-trained transformers are a type of large language model (LLM) and a prominent framework for Generative AI. This ‘GPT’ is the GPT referred to in ChatGPT’s name. (See ‘Large language model / LLM’).


A term that combines "global" and "local," referring to the adaptation of global strategies to meet the needs of local markets.


Headless DAM

A Digital Asset Management (DAM) system that is decoupled from the presentation layer, allowing for greater flexibility and customization in how digital assets are delivered and presented across various channels and devices.

Hype cycle

A hype cycle is a graphic representation of the maturity, adoption and business application of specific technologies. The hype cycle typically characterises the progression of an emerging technology from business and media overenthusiasm through a period of disillusionment to an eventual understanding of the technology's relevance and its role in a market or domain. (See ‘Amara's law’).



Simplified graphic representations of objects, actions, or concepts that are used in user interfaces to enhance communication and understanding.

Image library

A collection of digital images that can be easily accessed and used for various purposes, such as marketing or design.

Incremental innovation

A change that takes place slowly over time and allows for a gradual development of the product and its marketplace.


The process of deriving logical conclusions from premises known or assumed to be true. The term derives from the Latin term, which means ‘bring in’, and an inference is said to be valid if it's based upon sound evidence and the conclusion follows logically from the premises.

Initiator (in approval workflow)

The person who initiates an approval workflow process, such as submitting a request for approval for a project or asset.


The process of connecting different software systems or platforms to enable data sharing and automation, enabling efficient and effective business operations.


The capacity to solve problems or to make things that are valued in one or more cultural contexts.

Interpersonal intelligence

This type of intelligence refers to the capacity "to discern and respond appropriately to the moods, temperaments, motivations, and desires of other people."

Intrapersonal intelligence

This type of intelligence refers to the ability to access "one's own feelings and the ability to discriminate among them and draw upon them to guide behaviour." It also refers to a "knowledge of one's own strengths, weaknesses, desires, and intelligences.

ISO 22301:2019

An international standard for business continuity management, providing a framework for identifying potential disruptions and minimizing their impact on business operations.

ISO 27001:2013

An international standard for information security management systems, providing a framework for protecting sensitive information and ensuring data security.

ISO 27018:2019

An international standard for protecting personal data in the cloud, providing a framework for cloud service providers to protect the privacy and confidentiality of personal information.


Landing page

A standalone web page that is specifically designed to capture leads or encourage conversions, typically through a form or call-to-action.

Large language model / LLM

A large language model (LLM) is a type of AI algorithm that uses deep learning techniques and massive data sets to understand, summarise, generate, and predict new content. The term Generative AI is closely connected with LLMs, which are, in fact, a type of Generative AI that has been specifically architected to help generate text-based content.


A machine / agent (or person) is learning if it improves its performance on future tasks after making observations about the world.

Learning types

The four types of learning considered ‘primary’ by most AI experts:

  • Reinforcement learning (See ‘Reinforcement learning’).
  • Semi-supervised learning (See ‘Semi-supervised learning’).
  • Supervised learning (See ‘Supervised learning’).
  • Unsupervised learning (See ‘Unsupervised learning’).
Linear regression

Linear regression finds a linear relationship between the independent and dependent variable. There are two types of linear regression: simple regression and multiple regression.

Linguistic intelligence

This type of intelligence refers to having a "sensitivity to the sounds, rhythms, and meaning of words" as well as "sensitivity to the different functions of language."

List view

A display format that presents data or information in a list, enabling easy scanning and sorting of information.

Localization / Local marketing execution

The process of adapting marketing messages, products, and services to meet the needs and preferences of local markets, accounting for language, culture, and customs.

Logical-mathematical intelligence

This type of intelligence refers to having a "sensitivity to, and capacity to discern, logical or numerical patterns" as well as the "ability to handle long chains of reasoning."

Logistics regression

Logistics regression looks for an association between a categorical dependent variable and a set of independent (explanatory) variables. The name logistic regression is used when the dependent variable has only two values; such as 0 and 1, or Yes and No.


Machine learning / ML

A branch of artificial intelligence, machine learning is the scientific study of algorithms with the purpose of enabling programs to do things without being explicitly programmed.

Marketing asset management

The process of organizing, storing, and managing marketing assets, such as images, videos, and branding materials, ensuring easy access and sharing.

Marketing automation

The use of software tools and platforms to automate repetitive marketing tasks, such as email campaigns, social media posts, and lead generation.

Marketing campaign management

The process of planning, executing, and managing marketing campaigns across multiple channels, including email, social media, and paid advertising.

Marketing collateral

The collection of materials used in marketing efforts, such as brochures, flyers, and presentations, that support the promotion of products or services.

Marketing fulfillment

The process of delivering marketing materials to customers, such as brochures or samples, as part of a larger marketing campaign.

Marketing resource management

The process of managing and optimizing marketing resources, including people, processes, and technology, to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of marketing efforts.

Marketing ROI

The measurement of the return on investment (ROI) for marketing efforts, taking into account the costs and benefits of marketing campaigns.

Marketing technology

The use of technology and software to enable and optimize marketing efforts, including marketing automation, content management, and analytics tools.

Marketing technology stack

The collection of marketing technology and software tools used by a business or organization to manage and execute marketing campaigns.

Marketing touchpoints

The various points of contact between a brand and a customer, including website visits, social media interactions, and customer service interactions.


Short for marketing technology, the use of technology and software to enable and optimize marketing efforts.

Master template

A pre-designed template that serves as a starting point for creating consistent and cohesive marketing materials, such as presentations or brochures.

Mathematical objection

Mathematical objection refers to a number of results of mathematical logic which can be used to show that there are limitations to the powers of discrete-state machines.

Media asset management software

Software that enables the management and organization of digital media assets, such as images, videos, and audio files, ensuring easy access and sharing.


Information that describes or provides context for digital assets, such as the date, location, or author of a file.

Metadata approvals

The process of reviewing and approving metadata associated with digital assets, ensuring accuracy and consistency.


A self-contained unit of software that performs a specific function or set of functions, often used in larger software systems or platforms. A module can be added or removed from a system without affecting the functionality of other modules.

Multi stage approval workflow

A workflow process that involves multiple levels of approval, such as for a project or asset, enabling effective collaboration and decision-making.

Multiple intelligences theory

This theory suggests that traditional psychometric views of intelligence are too limited. Howard Gardner proposed that there are eight intelligences and has suggested the possible addition of a ninth known as ‘existentialist intelligence’.

Musical intelligence

This type of intelligence refers to the ability "to produce and appreciate rhythm, pitch, and timbre" as well as to appreciate "the forms of musical expressiveness."


Narrow Al / Artificial Narrow Intelligence / ANI

Narrow AI, also known as 'Weak' AI, is the Al that exists in our world today. Narrow Al is Al that is programmed to perform a single task – whether it's checking the weather, being able to play chess, or analysing raw data to write journalistic reports.

Natural language processing / NLP

A subfield of Artificial Intelligence that is focused on enabling computers to understand and process human languages, to get computers closer to a human-level understanding of language.

Neural networks

An approach to machine learning that uses artificial neurons connected to each other in a complex network to generate a desired output from a given input.


Neurons, in the context of machine learning, form part of the larger structure of artificial neural networks, which are inspired by the human brain to replicate its function.

Non-linear regression

A method of finding a nonlinear model of the relationship between the dependent variable and a set of independent variables. This type of regression can estimate models with arbitrary relationships between independent and dependent variables.

Notification centre

A centralized location within a software system or platform that displays and manages notifications, allowing users to easily view and interact with notifications.


Alerts or messages that inform users of important or relevant information, such as updates, changes, or new content.



The process of integrating new employees into an organization or system, providing training, information, and resources to ensure their success and productivity.

Online document storage

The storage and organization of digital documents in a cloud-based system, enabling easy access and retrieval of documents from anywhere with an internet connection.

Online file sharing

The process of sharing digital files with others over the internet, enabling efficient and collaborative file sharing and document management.

Online image management

The storage and organization of digital images in a cloud-based system, enabling easy access and retrieval of images from anywhere with an internet connection.


A problem that occurs when the "network has memorised the training examples, but it has not learned to generalise to new situations. This means that, even when the error on the training set is reduced to a small value, a large error value occurs when the network is presented with new data. (See ‘Underfitting’).


Personalized marketing content

Marketing content that is tailored to the specific needs and preferences of individual customers, such as personalized email campaigns or product recommendations.

Pervasive technology

This refers to the inclusion of computational capabilities in everyday devices to perform useful tasks and reduce the amount of time the end user needs to spend on conventional computers. These technologies or devices are usually connected to the Internet.

Pitfalls of AI

The three areas of concern cited, and aligned on, by academics:

  • Privacy (See ‘Privacy’)
  • Replication (See ‘Replication’)
  • Bias (See ‘Bias’)

Place is one of our flagship products in the Papirfly Product suite. Our Digital Asset Management (DAM) that provides one online location to store every asset. Customers can organise and categorise assets using metadata, enabling access at user level and offering clarity with version control.


Plan is one of our flagship products in the Papirfly Product suite. Our Marketing planner and collaboration tool gives our customers the ability to see all campaigns across their organisation, and all asset that needs to be approved. Send any asset to be reviewed by the right stakeholders to speed up the approval process. Plan provides visibility on each activity including budget, contacts, status and associated resources - with customisable templates to launch regular activities with speed and ease.


Software components that can be added to a larger software system or platform to enhance or extend its functionality, often providing additional features or capabilities. Plugins can be added or removed without affecting the core functionality of the system or platform.


Plus is our integrations, plugins and API. Plus bridges the gaps between all marketing operations, enabling our five flagship products to work seamlessly with applications in our customer's ecosystem. No matter where data is coming from, Plus empowers people to complete tasks with better workflows - removing hacks and workarounds.


Point is one of our flagship products in the Papirfly Product suite. A central online hub where all employees - and everyone else who will use the brand - can learn about and apply the brand identity. All brand guidelines, assets and attributes are formalised and communicated here.


Using data to make probable inferences of what is to come.


The ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves or information about themselves, and thereby express themselves selectively. The domain of privacy partially overlaps with security, which can include the concepts of appropriate use and protection of information. Privacy may also take the form of bodily integrity. There have been many different conceptions of privacy throughout history. Most cultures recognise the right of an individual to withhold aspects of their personal lives from public record. The right not to be subjected to unsanctioned invasions of privacy by the government, corporations, or individuals is part of many countries' privacy laws, and in some cases, constitutions. With the rise of technology, the debate regarding privacy has expanded from a bodily sense to include a digital sense. In most countries, the right to digital privacy is considered an extension of the original right to privacy, and many countries have passed acts that further protect digital privacy from public and private entities.

Problem types

The core types of problems used by mathematicians and technologists within AI:


This refers to a class of computational problems that resist attempts to solve them efficiently. NP-complete is the intersection of P-problems and NP-hard problems. (See ‘The Travelling Salesman Problem’).


NP-hard problems refer to a class of problems for which no solution can be quickly found; however, if provided with the solution, the solution can be quickly verified. (See ‘The Travelling Salesman Problem’).


The term P-Problem refers to a class of problems for which the solution can be found quickly and verified quickly.


Produce is one of our flagship products in the Papirfly Product suite. Innovate template technology that empowers our customers (and their employees) to create on-brand assets across multiple channels, including video, all aligned to brand guidelines, eliminating brand mis-use. Produce enables a simple sign-off process and a complete overview of all assets that marketing teams create.

Product experience management

The process of managing and optimizing the end-to-end experience of a product, from design and development to post-purchase support and service.

Product information management (PIM)

The process of managing and optimizing product information across various channels and systems, ensuring consistent and accurate product information for customers and stakeholders.


The recording and analysis of a person's psychological and behavioural characteristics, so as to assess or predict their capabilities in a certain sphere or to assist in identifying a particular subgroup of people.


Prove is one of our flagship products in the Papirfly Product suite. Our reporting and analytics tools enables customers to evaluate every aspect of marketing activity, monitoring campaigns, giving access to insightful reports and analytics, including user-level analysis. Prove helps to highlight performance across multiple channels to gauge success, and brand adoption.



Reasoning refers to the rational intellectual process of arriving at a conclusion, result, goal, decision, judgement, assessment, understanding, or other outcome. It has to be thoroughly and convincingly justified through a rational thought process grounded in facts, competence, credible analysis, and sound judgement. It involves intentional, considered, thoughtful, orderly, credible, sensible, and otherwise rational steps or arguments, such as argumentation or logic.


The process of changing or updating a brand's visual identity, messaging, or positioning, often to stay relevant or appeal to new audiences.


A person or system that receives data, information, or content from another source, such as a file or message.

Recommendation engines / recommendation systems

By making use of machine learning tools, these systems predict how a person would rate a specific range of items, and then display the items that the person is most likely to rate the highest.

Recommendation engines / recommendation systems

By making use of machine learning tools, these systems predict how a person would rate a specific range of items, and then display the items that the person is most likely to rate the highest.

Recurrent neural network / RNN

A form of neural network that includes loops or connections between the different layers in the network, and the neurons in the same layer. A recurrent neural network can be thought of as multiple copies of the same network, each passing a message to a successor.

Recursive neural network

Recursive neural networks refer to non-linear adaptive models that are able to learn deep structured information.


A method of estimating or predicting the variables that will impact the result. It investigates the relationship between a dependent variable and multiple independent variables.


A technique used to avoid the problem of overfitting in machine learning. (See ‘Overfitting’).

Reinforcement learning

An approach to machine learning where the machine learns how to behave / process by performing actions and getting feedback from its environment. It gets positive feedback for getting a desired outcome and negative feedback for getting an undesired outcome. After each iteration the algorithm makes its own adjustments, attempting to maximise the reward.


The process of creating a final version of a digital asset, such as an image or video, by processing and combining various elements and effects to produce the final output.


One of the three pitfalls of Al is the inability to replicate a decision made by Al, which means that the programmers that designed the technology do not understand why the machine makes one decision and not another.

Rest API

Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface, a web-based architecture for designing and communicating between software systems or applications using HTTP requests and responses.

Review tool

Software or platform that enables teams to review and collaborate on digital content, such as documents, images, or videos, allowing for feedback and changes.

Reviewer (in approval workflow)

A person who reviews and approves a project or asset as part of an approval workflow process, ensuring that the project or asset meets quality standards and aligns with company guidelines.

Ridge regression

A technique for analysing multiple regression data that suffer from multicollinearity.

Right to explanation

In terms of Article 22 and Recital 17 of the GDPR, individuals have the right to receive an explanation for a particular output generated by an algorithm.


Technology that deals with robots, which are programmable machines designed and programmed to conduct a series of actions autonomously or semi-autonomously. Robotics overlaps with Al only when the robot becomes intelligent.



A method of estimating the parameters of the whole population by examining the properties of a smaller number of examples from within that population.

Secure cloud storage

Cloud-based storage that is encrypted and secure, protecting digital files and data from unauthorized access or breaches.

Semi-supervised learning

Semi-supervised learning algorithms are trained on a combination of labelled and unlabelled data, which improves the accuracy of the final model while reducing the time and cost spent building it. (See ‘Learning types’).

Shared drives

A centralized storage location for digital files and documents that can be accessed and shared by multiple users or teams, enabling efficient collaboration and file sharing.


The process of allowing others to access and use digital files or information, either for collaboration or distribution purposes.


Graphic or visual communication designed to convey information, often used in public spaces or commercial settings.

Single Sign On (SSO)

A security mechanism that allows users to access multiple software systems or applications with a single set of login credentials, simplifying the login process and improving security.

Single source of truth (SSOT)

A principle of data management that establishes a single, authoritative source of data that is shared across an organization or system, ensuring consistency and accuracy of data.

Single stage approval workflow

A workflow process that involves a single level of approval, such as for a project or asset, enabling efficient and effective decision-making.


The hypothesis that General Al systems will eventually become smarter than people.

Social media asset management

The process of organizing, storing, and managing digital assets, such as images, videos, and branding materials, specifically for social media channels.

Social media template

A pre-designed layout and format for social media content, such as posts or ads, enabling consistency and efficiency in social media communications.

Spatial intelligence

This type of intelligence refers to the ability "to perceive the visual-spatial world accurately and to perform transformations on one's initial perceptions."

Speech recognition

The capability of an electronic device to understand spoken words.

Strong Al hypothesis

The assertion that machines that act as if they were intelligent are actually thinking (not just simulating thinking) is called the strong Al hypothesis. (See ‘Weak AI hypothesis’).

Structured data

Data that has been organised into a formatted repository, typically a database, so that its elements can be made addressable for more effective processing and analysis. (See ‘Unstructured data’).

Supervised learning

A machine learning approach where the algorithm is taught how to generate the correct output for any given input by training it with labelled data. Classification and regression are algorithms associated with supervised learning. (See ‘Learning types’).



A specific activity or assignment assigned to an individual or team, often with a deadline or due date, to achieve a specific goal or objective.


A pre-designed layout or format for digital content, such as documents, presentations, or emails, enabling consistency and efficiency in content creation.

Template technology

Technology or software that enables the creation and management of pre-designed templates, often used in marketing automation, document management, or content management systems.

Testing error

The difference between the desired output and the actual output when an artificial neural network is trained with test data, which is then used to adjust the weights between the nodes within the network.

Testing set

A set of data, which is given to a neural network, and its corresponding labels, which are used to determine the accuracy of the neural network's predictions.

The Chinese Room Experiment

John Searle proposed the Chinese room experiment as an argument against the possibility of Al. His experiment aims to illustrate that machines cannot have understanding. Searle uses the following scenario to demonstrate his argument: "Imagine a room in which a man, who understands no Chinese, receives, through a slot in the door, questions written in Chinese. When he receives a question, the man carefully follows detailed instructions written in English to generate a response to the question, which he passes back out through the slot. Now suppose the questions and responses are part of a Chinese Turing Test, and the test is passed". (See: ‘Turing Test’).

The Travelling Salesman Problem

Where one can use the challenge "A salesman must visit some cities in his car, eventually returning to his origin. His car only has a certain amount of fuel. Is there a route that will complete the tour without running out of fuel?” to typify types of problems. (See ‘Problem types’).

The Turing test

The Turing test, originally called the imitation game by Alan Turing in 1950, is a test of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behaviour equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human. Turing proposed that a human evaluator would judge natural language conversations between a human and a machine designed to generate human-like responses. The evaluator would be aware that one of the two partners in conversation was a machine, and all participants would be separated from one another. The conversation would be limited to a text-only channel, such as a computer keyboard and screen, so the result would not depend on the machine's ability to render words as speech. If the evaluator could not reliably tell the machine from the human, the machine would be said to have passed the test. The test results would not depend on the machine's ability to give correct answers to questions, only on how closely its answers resembled those a human would give.

Timeline view

A display format that presents data or information in a timeline, enabling easy visualization and analysis of time-based information, such as project schedules or historical data.

Training error

Serves as a function of the iterative process of training an artificial neural network using the data it had been trained with to adjust the weights between the nodes within the network.

Training set

A set of labelled data given to a neural network to teach it what the desired output is for any of the given inputs.

Trigger rules

A set of criteria or conditions that define when a specific action or event should occur, often used in marketing automation or workflow processes to trigger specific actions or notifications.



Underfitting refers to a model that can neither model the training data nor generalise to new data. An underfit machine learning model is not a suitable model and will be obvious as it will have poor performance on the training data. (See ‘Overfitting’).

Unstructured data

Information that doesn't hew to conventional data models and thus typically isn't a good fit for a mainstream relational database.

Unsupervised learning

A machine learning approach where the algorithm is trained to learn the inherent structure of data without explicit labels. Unsupervised learning aims to find regularities in the input to produce an output. (See ‘Learning types’).


Validation set

Used to fine-tune the functionality of a neural network after it has been trained with the training set. It refers to a dataset that is held back from training the neural network to estimate the skill of the network in making accurate predictions.


A variable is a quantity that may change within the context of a mathematical problem or experiment. Typically, a single letter is used to represent a variable. The letters x, y, and z are common generic symbols used for variables.

Video asset management

The process of organizing, storing, and managing digital video assets, such as raw footage or edited clips, ensuring easy access and sharing.

Video content management

The process of managing and optimizing video content across various channels and platforms, ensuring consistent and engaging video content for audiences.

Video for business

The use of video content by businesses and organizations for marketing, training, or communication purposes, often with the goal of increasing engagement and driving results.

Video making software

Software that enables the creation and editing of digital video content, often providing tools and features for adding effects, transitions, and audio.

Video marketing

The use of video content as part of a larger marketing strategy, often used to increase engagement, generate leads, or drive conversions.

Video marketing tools

Software or platforms that enable video marketing efforts, such as video hosting, analytics, or optimization tools.

Video template

A pre-designed layout and format for digital video content, enabling consistency and efficiency in video production and editing.

Visual approvals

A process of reviewing and approving digital content, such as images or videos, using visual annotations or comments to provide feedback and ensure quality and consistency.


Weak Al hypothesis

The assertion that machines could act as if they were intelligent is called the weak Al hypothesis. (See ‘Strong AI hypothesis’).


Each link in a neural network has a numeric weight associated with it, which determines the strength and sign of the connection.


A sequence of tasks or activities that are performed in a specific order to achieve a desired outcome or result, often used in project management, marketing automation, or document management.

Workflow builder

Software or platform that enables users to design, create, and manage workflows, often providing tools and features for visualizing and automating complex processes.

Table of contents